Art follows the natural law of mankind it seems, so dreams have the tendency to transform into nightmares, but when you are lucky (or earned it …) nightmares can smooth down and get transferred or transform into less nightmarish states, maybe even “dreams.” The important thing is to adapt your tools, expectations and hopes to the possibility of changes.
I studied the Old Masters and took classes in painting techniques specializing on oil painting. I participated in art projects and exhibitions. I appreciate that art is to be approached by doing, rather than by self-analyzing and meticulously planning each step to be taken. However, I experience as challenge and chance, that structures, surfaces, arbitrarily collected impressions, tissues and body structures, no matter how torn, demolished, destroyed they seem to be – in the end can lead to pieces that seem unblemished as if they never had been shattered at all.
Inspirations, the crushing of techniques, colours, including those of Delft and Florence, happen along the debris left besides the slippery slopes of defeat. If you stare at them long enough you understand, that the seemingly unbridgeable and eternally separated is just another aspect of all the inter-woven, interdependent energies that keep us alive and gave us the energy to continue doing our thing. Ludwig Wittgenstein admitted that later on in his life, he was not able to understand many of the ideas and arguments he had written years before. Which is a very bold statement for a philosopher guy,,. I like that. There is nothing more to be added.